Hi! My name is Miranda Scott and I’m the owner of Coven! My hope is that Coven inspires you to go within and inherit all that you are. My goal is to know myself and evolve as a human. I love creating community and holding space for individuals to heal. I believe in this work.
As above, so below. As we heal the elements inside ourselves, we heal each other and the earth. Along with owning Coven, I am a certified Meditation/Breath-work/Yoga instructor. I’m an Intuitive Energy Worker, and I am now booking this work with clients full time. I’m a mother to my beautiful kiddo Charlie! I have a dog named Blue and two cats, Jinx and Mr. Cats. If I’m not at Coven you can probably catch me at a local coffee shop with my beautiful partner Kate drinking just the perfect amount of lattes so that my heart doesn’t palpitate.
I am queer, a creator, a feminist and truly a Witch! My favorite way to practice Magick is through, candles, herbs, color and crystals. My Ancestors are my best friends. Ritual, my companion. I don’t know many things for certain, but I do know I’m grateful for this opportunity. I’m grateful you are reading this bio. I’m grateful for the spectrum of life and I plan to make the most of the time I have here on this earth.
Thank you for being here!
Q&A With Miranda
Coven has provided me with one of most beautiful experiences of my life. I came into the awareness of my Spiritual Path seven years ago after the transition of my parents. Up until their passing, I was very set in my “idenity”. Daughter, Mother, Real Estate Agent. I thought of myself as kind, easy going… nice. After their Death, I began asking, “who am I really?” I had a shift in consciousness. I wanted to truly know myself much deeper than I ever had before. Cue the Magic. I was lead to the path of Witchcraft. I began digging through the dirt of my soul. I found myself there. I wasn’t just “nice”, I was wild, capable, messy, powerful, emotional, scary, creative, and so much more. I’ve been dancing and stumbling to the surface ever since. It then occurred to me that this journey is there for anyone who is ready to take it. That’s when Coven happened. I believe a part of my journey is encouraging other Witches to dive within, to find themselves, and to celebrate every fucking moment of it, because life is precious.
Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon, Leo Rising
My practice is always evolving. I feel drawn to Ancestral Healing and epigenetics. I love to work with candles, color, herbs, crystals, and tarot. Movement, breathwork, and mantras are something I feel drawn to incorporate as they have a profound effect on helping with anxiety and depression. I think the Moon is so cute! I love the elements, my favorite one to work with at the moment is Earth.
The Surrender Smoke Spell Blend by Coven is my favorite at the moment. I love burning incense daily in my practice. Herbs and resin help me to feel grounded and connected to Nature.
My family, my creativity, my pets, my community, and coffee (of course). These are the things that make me most excited about life!
Find me on Instagram!: @covencle
Hallie is our lovely shop Witch and TikTok Witch! Her signs are Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon and Leo Rising. She first came to Coven to find her authentic path in life. She was always drawn to this practice and Coven helped her embrace her identity! Learn a bit more about Hallie:
What's your "brand" of magic? Candle Magic and divination
What's your favorite product in shop? Herbal Bundles by Moody Monarch
What's the most magical thing that keeps you going? My family, Halloween, Hocus Pocus.
Don't forget to follow Hallie on Instagram at @hallieweenqueen!