Every Green Witch needs a magical garden. Having a relationship with nature can help calm the nervous system, provides a great creative outlet, develops intuition and more!
Triple Curled Parsley: It carries the energy of power, strength, passion, purification, and prosperity.
Bronze Fennel: Resilience, Bravery, Courage
Purple Opal Basil: Love and Magick
Bouquet Dill: Helps to get rid of nightmares and bad vibes
Lavender: Love, Luck Prosperity, Inner-Child
Burdock: cleansing and protective
Chocolate Peppermint: Money, prosperity, protection
Broadleaf Sage: cleansing and protective magick.
Stinging Nettle: healing, rejuvenating
Wormwood Mugwort: Spiritual and psychic
German Chamomile: floral, magical, calming, and peaceful
Garden Thyme: Courage, Banishing
Calendula: Giving power to spells, enchantment
Tansy: Health, longevity, rebirth, cleansing, protection
Purple Clover: love, money, protection