Coven Scopes: Aries Season

Coven Scopes: Aries Season

Well my friends, we have made it to another astrological year! On March 20th at 11:33 am, the Sun returns to the sign of its exaltation. Aries Season, the marker of the Spring Equinox, brings us new beginnings and new energy. Ruled by Mars, the God of War, Aries is bold, brave, courageous, energetic, and fiery. Mars is the planet of severance– it has the ability to cut, separate, and pierce. As I drove out of my apartment complex, I noticed new life piercing the surface of the one cold, frozen Earth. That, my dear, is Aries. 

As with every season, there’s some poppin’ cosmic weather this month, but we’re going to dive headfirst (in true Aries fashion) into some of the planetary ingresses and lunations. On March 27th, Mercury, the Messenger God, follows the Sun into Aries. During this time, ish gets LOUD. Mercury, which rules things like communication, thinking, and reasoning, really wants to just yell at the top of its lungs right now. And you know what? Sometimes that’s needed. Take note that folks may speak in a way that’s a bit more bold or brash during this time, and you may find yourself feeling like a firecracker. Say what you mean and mean what you say, sure, but just remember there’s a time and a place. 

On April 5th, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships takes a dive into dreamy Piscean waters. While here, Venus has an elevated ability to daydream and fantasize, so during this transit, you’re invited to immerse yourself in beauty, art, music, and cinema. Have you seen that Tik Tok that’s like, “You have to start romanticizing your life…” Well, friends, this is the transit for it! Fall in love with the mundane, sip your coffee with intention, find the beauty and depth in all things, and I promise you, this world will feel just a little bit sweeter. 

Speaking of sweet, on April 10th, Mercury moves into Taurus! That loud, bold way of communicating that we jumped into at the end of March gets a bit of a come down as Mercury starts to ground itself. Take the time to slow down, process on your own time, and communicate in a way that is tender and interconnected. Then, four days later, Mars moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces. This energy feels a bit like steam rising off hot pavement after a summer rain, and while some may see that as a bit of a buzzkill, you must remember that steam can be also used for energy. 

Now, let’s move onto the lunations of this Aries Season! They’re a big deal because they’re the last lunations before we drop into the first round of Eclipses. While New and Full Moon intention setting, manifesting, and magick is usually encouraged, the Eclipses create a liminal time and space where it’s the Universe’s time to come in and course-correct. But more on that next month! What you need to know for now is that this is the last bit of Lunar cosmic weather that we have to work with until Gemini Season. The New Moon in Aries on April 1st sits tightly with Mercury, so this is a beautiful opportunity to write down what you’d like to flourish through this next Lunar cycle. The Moon in Aries is sharp, headfirst, fiery, and sure – of not only itself, but also of what it wants. This is the time to be brave, courageous, and start going after what you want! On April 16th, the Full Moon in Libra is in a square to Pluto and a sextile to Mars and Saturn. In short: it’s a bit intense. The Aries/Libra axis highlights the dichotomy of making a rash decision and weighing all of the options. Libra is antithetical to Aries– where Aries dives headfirst, Libra takes time to make sure they’re not diving into the shallow end of the pool. With a square to Pluto, the planet of destruction and regeneration, there’s a tension arising in regards to how you will transform. There’s an action that needs to be taken for this transformation to be complete and, luckily, Mars comes in with a sextile to offer some energetic support, and Saturn provides the structure. It may be a bit uncomfy, but it will ultimately point you in the right direction, as long as you’re willing to put in the work.

For more information on how this month’s astro-weather will play out for you, read on! (Hint: read for both your Sun sign AND Rising sign!)

Aries! We’ve made it back to your season– the start of the astrological new year! Listen, we know it’s all about you right now and we’re going to let you bask in it. Pisces Season may have left you feeling energetically drained, but this new beginning gives you that energy you’ve been searching for. And, not only do you have energy, but we’re finally entering Spring! With this time of new beginnings, you’re called to set intentions related to who you want to be over the next year. With the New Moon on April 1st sitting so closely with Mercury, take the time to write down the ways in which you’d like to bring more courage and essence into your intentions. This is the last New Moon we’ll get to work with before Eclipse Season, so be sure to take advantage of this direct, bold energy. The Full Moon on April 16th highlights your sense of self, and how it reflects upon the relationships in your life. Around this Full Moon, you may discover some power struggles coming up, specifically related to career or the area in your life where you’re most visible. This challenge is here to teach you, but you must also be willing to do the work. With a little help from your friends and Saturn, you’re given some structure and support, while Mars offers the ability to turn inward and really determine what it is you need to let go of so you can move forward. If it isn’t working for you or the people in your lives, cut it out. Smooches, Aries, here’s to another year!

Dear Taurus, you may be feeling some energetic buzz as Spring settles in, but you’re just not quite there yet. You like to take things at your own pace, and adjusting to the change of the season is no different. It’s important for you to sustain your energy during this time, so be sure to turn your attention towards your mental health and subconscious mind. Take some time to settle in and meditate on where it is you’d like to take your mind, body, and soul through this astrological new year. The New Moon on April 1st invites you inward and asks you to write your intentions down. Be bold, be clear, and be decisive about what you want– if you ask for it, the Universe will deliver. The catch, though, is you have to be intentional. The Full Moon on April 16th, however, is a bit more challenging. You’re asked to take a look at how your mental health is directly connected to your habits, routines, and physical body. Bringing balance to those areas will help you sustain mind, body, and spirit, but there’s a bit of a challenge in regards to your worldview that comes up. It could be something as simple as learning something new that alters your beliefs, but whatever it is, it’s here to help you find holistic balance in your life. Saturn and Mars offer some help, however, so remember that with a little bit of structure and a little bit of passion, you can let go of what isn’t working to make space for what is.

Gemini, do you feel that buzz of Spring settling in? Are you feeling like you want to get out, connect, and be the social butterfly that you are? This Aries Season invites you to connect with your social circles and peer groups, and we all know you’re the one that’ll bring the energy! The New Moon on April 1st, which sits tightly with Mercury, allows you to get intentional as to how you want these social circles to spark creativity and mental stimulation in your life. Because this is the last New Moon before Eclipse Season, be sure to take advantage of this energy and write down what it is you want. Be bold, be intentional, and most of all, be true to YOU. There is no questioning who Aries is, and the Moon in Aries is nothing but sure of itself and how it feels. The Full Moon on April 16th is a little more complicated, however. The Full Moon highlights the Aries/Libra axis, which asks you to take a look at not only your social circles and networks, but also the creativity and self-expression that comes from them. As Pluto, the planet of transformation, forms a square to this Full Moon, you may find some challenges arising in regards to other people’s money or resources. Think loans, taxes, that kind of stuff. The key here is not to sit idly by, but rather, to put in the work. As Saturn provides some support, reminding you to stand firm in your beliefs and morals, Mars provides cool, compassionate energy to get the job done. Given it’s a Full Moon, this is a lovely time to let go before Eclipse Season rolls in. Make it a good one, Gemini! You’ve got the Cosmos on your side. 

For you, Cancer, this Aries Season brings forth the area in your life where you are most seen. It’s time for you to step into the spotlight! Aries is all about being brave, bold, and courageous; where can you embody some of those archetypes to fuel your passions and goals? The New Moon on April 1st asks you to get intentional about the direction in which you’d like to take your career and reputation. You control the narrative, Cancer, so write down exactly what it is you want. This New Moon is the last one we’ll be able to work with before the Eclipses roll in, so use this time to your advantage! The Full Moon on April 16th highlights both your public and private life. Listen, I’m the first to admit that sometimes the lines are blurry between the two, but this Full Moon in Libra demands you to find the balance. Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, forms a square to this Full Moon, which may cause some power struggles to arise for you (especially as it relates to partners or significant relationships in your life). Know that you have the structure and support of others, as well as their resources, and you have your values and beliefs to fuel your passion. Let go of what isn’t working for you so you can move in the direction of your dreams. You’ve got this, Cancer, and remember that you always have your shell to keep you protected. 

Dear Leo, this Aries Season is all about e x p a n s i o n. Where can you grow? What can you learn? What can you immerse yourself in? How can you expand upon your thoughts, beliefs, values, and morals? Life is all about evolution, and this Aries Season helps you kick off the next phase of yours. The New Moon on April 1st asks you to get intentional; be brave. Be bold. Be courageous. Aries knows what it wants and this New Moon requires you to be crystal clear in your vision. Also, this is the last New Moon we’ll have to work with before the Eclipses roll in, so be sure to take advantage of this fresh, Spring energy! The Full Moon in Libra on April 16th then asks you to take a look at your local environment. How can you share your growth with others? How can you contribute to a more equitable and just community? As Pluto forms a square with this Full Moon, some power struggles may arise, particularly in regards to routines and habits, or with those who you supervise. This square requires you to take action, but remember that with the strong, stable support of your partners (platonic or otherwise), and cool, compassionate drive, you’re able to accomplish whatever you’re setting your mind to. Let go of what’s no longer working for you and your growth, Leo. Once you do, the only way to go is forward. 

Virgo, my dedicated, grounded, and rational friend – this Aries Season requires you to dust the cobwebs off the stuff you don’t want to deal with. This is me reminding you right now to do your taxes! Do them!! Right now! Stop reading this! 

Anyhow, the New Moon on April 1st invites you to get intentional and communicate on a deeper level with the more spiritual side of yourself. Maybe this looks like diving into some Tarot, astrology, magick, or other forms of divination. Whichever resonates most with you, be sure to be crystal clear about what it is you want and where you could use support from other people’s resources. Then, on April 16th, the Full Moon in Libra shines some light on your own values, assets, and financial situations. While there may be some power struggles popping up in regards to your personal expression and creativity, you have the opportunity here to put in some work to find the sweet spot of expression between who you are and how you feel. With some support from Saturn and Mars, you’re reminded that with structured routines and passionate people around you, you can be your truest self. Release what isn’t working for you, and you just may find that you’ll start to move in the right direction. No more spinning your wheels, my friend!

Dear Libra, this Aries Season marks the midpoint between you and your season. Take some time to think about how far you’ve come since last Fall. As we embark on this changing of the seasons, Winter to Spring, we find ourselves warming with new energy and passion. As the Sun brings some light to your relationships and partnerships, you’re invited to take a look around you and determine who’s been in your corner. Relationships, for better or for worse, can be supportive or toxic. (And obviously we prefer the former!) The catch, though, is you have to also communicate your needs. Unfortunately, people aren’t mind readers. (Well…. Maybe some people are, but not the point). The New Moon on April 1st asks you to communicate with your partners – both intimate and platonic. In Aries fashion, this communication can be bold, brave, and courageous, you just have to be sure that you actually do it. Perhaps you even take the time to write down what you want to say so your vision is crystal clear. It’s now or never, my friend! This is the last New Moon we get to work with before Eclipse Season settles in, so be sure to take advantage of it! The Full Moon on April 16th then casts a light on you – who you are, who you’re becoming, and who you want to be. While you may feel some tension or power struggles from your family, remember that you have the structured support of your own self-expression and passions to get you through. The Full Moon is a beautiful time for releasing, my friend, but you can’t let go without opening your hand.

Scorpio, this astrological new year invites you to bring some passion, energy, and drive to your daily habits and routines. Aries is all about being bold, brash, and decisive – you can be too! While you tend to make moves in a quieter, more subtle way, you can be self-assured that your daily tasks are supplemental to your overall wellbeing. The key here is intentionality. The New Moon on April 1st asks you to write down your goals and communicate what it is you want. Keep in mind: that communication can be with yourself and others. The time for intention setting is now, however, as this is the last New Moon before Eclipse Season rolls in. The Full Moon on April 16th shines a light on the darker corners of your subconscious, and it’s time for some Spring cleaning. While some power struggles may pop up, particularly related to your community or the ways in which you have communicated, know that you have the structured support of your family, and the passion of your own self expression, to guide the way. Full Moons are a time of releasing, so it’s now or never, my friend. It’s time to work through some of the deep-seeded thought processes or underlying memories that are holding you back. Once you accept them for what they are, you’re better able to let them go. And once you do, the only way to move is forward. You’re no stranger to personal transformation, my friend. You’ve got this.

Dear Sag, this Aries Season invites in creativity, expression, pleasure, and play, and what better time for it than the start of Spring? You’re probably starting to feel ripe with ideas and various manifestations of personal expression or contribution. The question is, my friend, where to start? The New Moon in Aries on April 1st begs for deep intentionality. Write down your creative dreams and aspirations, tell your friends, shout it from the rooftops, whatever you need! But be sure to be crystal clear in your vision. Aries is bold, brave, courageous, and isn’t afraid to kick things off with a bang. You may be a different type of fire sign, but that fire is still there. This is the last New Moon we can work with before the Eclipses roll in, so it’s now or never! Then, the Full Moon on April 16th brings your social circles into focus. How can your creative endeavors be brought to life with a little help from your friends? While you may find some financial challenges coming up, one thing is for certain: things don’t get done without a little bit of work. Luckily, this Full Moon gets some support from Saturn and Mars. With structure, discipline, and passion, from both your community and your family, your seeds of intention will bloom. One thing to remember, though, is that some leaves may start to brown in the process. Pluck the dead weight off, my dear, and prepare to watch all of your dreams come true. 

Dear Capricorn, this Aries Season invites you to direct your energy inward – to your home, your family, your roots, your ancestry, and the place in which you find privacy and comfort. We all know that you’re practical, rational, and grounded, but what many may forget is that your private space needs to be decisively yours; bold in expression and warm with invitation. The New Moon on April 1st asks you to get intentional about these spaces. Be sure to communicate what you need, write down exactly what you want, and be courageous in your goals and ambitions. This New Moon is the last that we get to work with before the Eclipses settle in next month, so take advantage of this energy while you can! The Full Moon on April 16th asks you to take a look at the areas where you shine the most. Where do you find yourself garnering recognition? What is your reputation? Are you moving in the direction you’d like to be headed? You may be feeling a little bit of tension during this time, like there’s an internal power struggle. It’s important to remember that sometimes we get in our own way. It’s okay! It happens. But how will you move forward? This Moon gets some structured support from your values, and some energy from your community, so don’t be afraid to lean into those spaces for some help. As we do with Full Moons, let go of what isn’t working. Hold onto what is. It’s only then can you continue to move forward. 

Aquarius, this Aries Season asks you to bring some light, energy, and passion to your community. You’re a forward thinker, a humanitarian, at heart, so it’s important to remember that sometimes the work starts with your local environment. Aries is bold, brave, and courageous, so don’t hesitate to bring some of that energy to the spaces you occupy. The New Moon on April 1st asks you to get intentional with the work you want to do here. Write it down, talk to your community members, and dive headfirst into what you need to do; just be sure you’re crystal clear with the direction in which you’re headed. This is the last New Moon we get to work with before Eclipse season, so be sure to take advantage of this energy. The Full Moon in Libra on April 16th invites you to look forward to the bigger picture. Where can you expand? Where can you grow? While you may find some challenges arise, particularly those related to the little imposter syndrome voice inside your head, you’ve got support to lean on. Firstly, always remember that you’ve got self discipline and structure– you’re prepared. Secondly, don’t forget that by connecting your efforts and energy to your personal values, you’ll always have your integrity to lean on. Full Moons are a time of letting go, my friend, so release what isn’t working. The next lunations are out of our control, so make space so the Universe can do its thing for you moving forward. 

Pisces, how are we feeling? Your season was so intimately deep and emotional, for better or for worse, and now it’s time to bring some levity to our lives. With the Aries Season, we mark the beginning of Spring and the time for new beginnings, new ideas, and new adventures. As the Sun highlights your values, money, and finances, it’s time to pay off your bills and dive head first into cleaning up the aftermath of the Pisces Season celebration. The New Moon on April 1st invites you to be bold and brave with your intentions as you look forward to making money moves. Here’s the thing, though: you have to be crystal clear in what you want. Write it down. Burn the paper. Yell it from the rooftops. Whatever you need! Just be sure your vision is one that is decisive and self-assured. This is the last New Moon we get to work with before Eclipse Season, so make it count! The Full Moon on April 16th asks you to take a look at other people’s resources and how you find some balance between leaning on yourself and leaning on others. Too much of either isn’t a good thing, so finding the sweet spot is the goal. You may find some tensions or power struggles arise, especially as it relates to your social circles and networks. Dissent is a part of life, so remember that a little bit of challenge can help you see things in a new way. This Full Moon also gets some support from Saturn and Mars, reminding you that with structured mental processes and passionate self- assurance you have all the support you need. 

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