Coven Scopes: Gemini Season

Coven Scopes: Gemini Season

Do you feel the buzz in the air, my friends? Gemini Season is here! At 9:22 pm on May 20, the Sun shifts into light, airy, adaptable, and witty Gemini. This energy is a big shift; we go from steady, grounded Taurus and allow our head to drift up to the clouds. There’s a playfulness to it, and we start to feel the shift out of Spring as we inch closer to the Summer Solstice. Gemini is represented by the twins, and due to this, often gets a bad rep and labeled as “two faced”. I’m here to (lovingly) remind you that there is no sign-shaming in this house, and this duplicity of Gemini reminds us that there are always two sides and two truths – we’re allowed to be multidimensional, people! Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the messenger (who happens to be on their Retrograde journey), so with the Sun occupying this space, we naturally feel drawn towards chatter, mental processing, and battle of the wits. To that I say, bring it! 

We’ve got some planetary action this season, and dare I call it all one thing: a homecoming. With Mercury’s Retrograde and dip back into Taurus, they’ll hop back into Gemini in June, and Mars and Venus will return home to Aries and Venus, respectively, in May. As a result, we have some supercharged astrology– Mercury’s Cazimi on May 21 provides clarity around any areas of confusion, Mars’ conjunction with Jupiter on May 29 puts gas in your tank, lighting a fire within, Venus’ connection with Uranus brings about changes or surprises with relationships and partnerships, and then she connects with the North Node a few days later! In all, the Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Sagittarius areas of your chart are receiving some extra attention this season. 

Of course, we must also touch on our New and Full Moons of this season! This Gemini Season is the first one without Eclipses since 2019, so we can finally tap into the intention setting and releasing related to the Gemini/Sag axis’ themes. With the Gemini New Moon on May 30th sitting at 9°03’, it forms a sextile to a dignified Mars in Aries. While this New Moon is answering to a Retrograde Mercury in Taurus, it’s getting a lovely push of support from Mars. I think of this like Mars is your passionate friend who reminds and reassures you that you can do whatever it is you set your mind to. (And I don’t know about you, but I love having those types of people in my life!) Later in the season, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14 sits at 23°25’, forming a sextile to Saturn and square to Neptune. Support from Saturn, even while Retrograde, reminds us of our boundaries, limitations, and structures. Because of this support, we have the opportunity to let go and release any beliefs or faith that simply isn’t sitting well with our souls. Sneaky Neptune, however, presents some challenges as we’re reminded that not all that glitters is gold. Use discernment and trust your gut, and remember that if something seems a little too good to be true, it probably is.

For more information on how this month’s astro-weather will play out for you, read on! (Hint: read for both your Sun sign AND Rising sign!)


Wooweee, Aries, some wind (or rather, fire) comes under your wings this season as Mars and Jupiter occupy Aries and bring energy, passion, and abundance to YOU. (But we’ll get to that in a sec!) As Gemini lights up the area of your life related to communication, short distant travel, and your local community, it’s time to get out and get active. The word here is connect. How can you better connect with your thoughts, the way you process information, and the way in which you connect with your community through knowledge and information sharing? The buzzy Gemini feeling stirs up stagnant energy and allows us to tap into adaptability – how can you allow yourself to, simply, just go with the flow? On May 24, Mars supercharges headfirst into Aries, and you may find yourself feeling a new wave of energy that you’ve desperately been needing. As Mars and Jupiter connect on May 29, there’s so much potential for abundance and expansion, but be aware that there is such a thing as over indulgence. Use that brain of yours and try to think just a little bit before diving headfirst or making any rash decisions. On May 30, the New Moon in Gemini provides the space for you to set intentions and start to build up the area of your life concerned with communication and community, as mentioned above. There’s a loving push of support from Mars, who reminds you that you can and you will achieve anything you set your mind to, you just have to put it in motion. We begin to wrap up Gemini Season with a Full Moon on June 14, and this highlights the dichotomy between what it is you know (Gemini) and what it is you believe (Sagittarius). There’s nothing wrong with changing our thoughts, beliefs, and values when presented with new information, but remember my friend, you have to let go of hold habits and belief patterns before you can make the space for new. Careful not to slip into a space of delusion, as Neptune plays a part in this lunation, and always remember to trust your gut. 


As we come off of an incredibly luscious and energetically charged Taurus Season (still coming down from that Eclipse hangover?), it’s time to get back to business as Gemini Season brings your finances and values into focus. As Mercury continues on its Retrograde journey, themes related to not only money and finances, but also themes related to the Self, come back into the picture, having a moment of reconsideration. The Mercury Cazimi on May 21, however, provides a level of clarity that didn’t seem to be there before. Additionally, with Venus moving into Taurus on May 28, you may find yourself feeling more you. Take this time to make yourself feel beautiful and invest in yourself! I’m talkin’ skincare! I’m talkin’ massages! I’m talkin’ good food and supermarket flowers! It doesn’t need to be anything lavish, as long as it feels good. There’s a sweetness and connectedness with Venus in Taurus, so this is me telling you to lean into it, especially because Mars and Jupiter meet up in a shadowy area of your life on May 29. In Aries, this Mars/Jupiter conjunction is like pouring lighter fluid on a bonfire within your subconscious mind. Take particular care of yourself during this time, and recognize when the depths of your mind are running rampant. Then, the New Moon on May 30 allows you to get intentional about how you want your money sitch to play out. Is there a financial goal you’ve been wanting to work towards? An asset you’re looking to invest in? This New Moon provides the space for you to think, write down, and communicate the intentions and goals you’d like to work towards. Money moves and an abundance mindset, baby! Then, the Full Moon on June 14 asks you to look at the dichotomy between not only your money situation, but also your self-service, and how you allow (or don’t allow) others to use their resources and money to support you. It can be hard to accept and ask for help, but we all need it at some point. Allow yourself to let go of any old patterns that tend to hold you back, but also be sure to use discernment if something seems a little too good to be true. 


Dear Gemini, it is your time to shine! You may have felt like you were running out of steam during Taurus Season, but with the shift to Gemini Season, you gain your second wind. As a master of adaptability and wits, you welcome this time of year with open arms, but you might feel like something is just a little off. As your ruler, Mercury, is Retrograde at the start of Gemini Season, there’s a bit of backpedaling and re-evaluation coming up, particularly related to the way in which you express your essence. Luckily, on May 21, Mercury becomes purified by the Sun, offering clarity where there was confusion. While the Retrograde journey will continue through mid-June, Mercury jumps back into Gemini on June 13, and you’ll be feeling decidedly sharper and more you. As Mars and Jupiter meetup on May 29, one day before the New Moon, there is abundance and passion stirring up the space of your life related to like-minded community building. It can be easy to burn rubber on pavement, however, so remember to take breaks and sustain your energy– it can be easy to over-indulge with this type of energy. The New Moon on May 30 (which is the first non-Eclipsed Gemini Season since 2019!) allows you to finally set some intentions related to who you are, and who you want to be. As the last few years brought us Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius, there has been a cosmic-induced element of leveling up. Now, you have the ability to be conscious about it– so take this New Moon as an opportunity to write down clear and specific intentions. Then, the Full Moon on June 14 casts a spotlight on the dichotomy of you and your relationships or partnerships. (Keep in mind, this can be romantic or platonic!) While there is support from structured Saturn, there is a challenge that comes through by way of Neptune. Neptune causes things to look better than they seem, and while this can be inspiring, it can also be spiraling. Use discernment when determining what (or who) needs to be released during this lunation, and keep in mind that if something is too good to be true, it probably is. Cheers to another year, my friend! 


As we round the corner of the Spring, we find ourselves situated at the crossroads of Spring to Summer. This means that, while Cancer Season is right around the corner, you may find yourself losing steam or feeling a bit drained. Luckily, this feeling isn’t forever! The Mercury Retrograde in Gemini (and into Taurus for a moment) is causing you to dust the cobwebs collecting dust in the corners of your subconscious. While this can be shadowy, sticky work, Mercury’s Cazimi on May 21 provides a newfound element of clarity where there once was confusion. While this Retrograde story isn’t over just yet, what was once difficult to understand or process is now much more malleable. As Mars and Jupiter meet up in Aries on May 29, the day before the New Moon, there’s a supercharged energy settling into your career and public life. Mars is passion and Jupiter is abundance, so recognize where you’re feeling like you’re finally starting to cover some ground and make moves in this area of your life. Just be weary of burning out– there’s an ability to blow through your energy reserves, so remember that sustainability is what is going to keep this energy coasting. The New Moon on May 30 occupies the area of your life focused on your subconscious mind and mental health, so this is a great opportunity to journal, meditate, and get crystal clear about your goals related to your mind. With a little support and friendly shove of encouragement from Mars, you’re reminded that you can do whatever you set your mind to. Then, with the Full Moon on June 14, the dichotomy of your mental wellbeing and your physical wellbeing are called into focus. While there is support from our rational friend, Saturn, there is opportunity for some challenge from sneaky Neptune. While Neptune can be a great source of artistic inspiration, they can also make things seem too good to be true. As you find yourself called to release any habits or routines that don’t nourish and support your physical and mental wellbeing, use discernment and watch for smoke and mirrors. 


Dearest Leo, this Gemini Season brings your community and social networks into the light! As Gemini Season brings in a buzz of connectivity, chit-chatty-ness, and meeting of the minds, there is still a little bit of back peddling happening at the top of the Season because of Mercury’s Retrograde. In this space, however, there is a clarity that comes about after the May 21 Mercury Cazimi! While the Retrograde story isn’t over, we’re well on the way towards moving forward once again. As Venus moves into Taurus on May 28, and meets up with Uranus on June 16, and the North Node on June 16, there is an unexpected, karmic sweetness that occupies the spaces in your life concerned with career, goals, and public persona. While Venus brings us gifts, the meeting up with Uranus can feel a little unsteady, but sometimes we have to shake things up to get the energy moving. As a fixed sign, this can be hard for you, but at the end of the day, the one thing you do so well is SHINE. So shake things up and watch it all fall into place as a result! The New Moon on May 30 allows you to get intentional and clear about the direction you’d like to move in with your social circles. Use this as an opportunity to write down your hopes, dreams, aspirations, goals, and how you can work your network to mutually support one another towards those desires. With a little friendly push from Mars, you’re reminded that you can achieve whatever it is you’re passionate about, and sometimes it’s not about what you know, but rather, who you know. Then, the Full Moon on June 14 highlights the push and pull between these social communities and your pure, creative self-expression. The Moon is inviting you to fully embrace pleasure and play, and with support from Saturn, your relationships and partnerships offer stability and support. However, sneaky Neptune comes in presenting some challenges; as you’re looking to let go of what isn’t serving your creative self, be wary that not all that glitters is gold. Use discernment, trust your gut, and know that this lunation is offering space for a sweet, sweet release.


Dearest Virgo, this Gemini Season brings so much light to your career and professional achievements! While Mercury, your ruler, is Retrograde, you may be feeling just slightly off as of late. What is nice, however, is Mercury’s Cazimi on May 22 offers clarity where there once was confusion, and offers us the reminder that while sometimes we must take a step back, we can always circle back to forward motion. The New Moon on May 30 creates the space for you to get crystal clear on the direction in which you would like to head professionally. Take advantage of this time to set intentions, write down goals, aspirations, and dreams. With a little support from Mars and the supportive people in your lives, you’re reminded that you can achieve whatever it is you set your mind to. Mercury jumps back into Gemini on June 13, and picks up speed, wrapping up the Retrograde story. This subsequently allows you to settle back into your sharp, analytical self as you float into the Full Moon on June 14. This Full Moon asks you to look at the dichotomy of your professional and public life as compared to your private, home life. With the Moon taking up the Sagittarius area of your life that represents home, family, and ancestry, there’s a pull to approach this space in a way that is ever-changing and expansive. With support from Saturn, there’s an opportunity to let go of the home/private stuff that is no longer serving you, but be wary of partnerships or friendships that seem too good to be true, or bring about confusion. Neptune has the ability to dream beautiful dreams, but can also be a game of smoke and mirrors– so be sure to use discernment. 


Libra, Libra, Libra, this Gemini Season brings a lot of energy to various spaces of your life, especially as your ruler, Venus, returns to Taurus on May 28. As Venus sits pretty in this space, you may find that you feel a little more you, and you’re able to bring beauty and value into your life by way of familiarity. But, onto the star of the show– the Sun in Gemini! The Sun in this space shines a spotlight on higher learning, philosophy, beliefs, and travel. There’s a buzz in the air, and you’re able to bring in mental expansiveness with relative ease. While there are some bumps in the road due to Mercury’s Retrograde, where there was once confusion, there is now clarity as Mercury is consumed by the heart of the Sun on May 22. Mercury doesn’t dip back into Gemini (it’s home) until June 13, but there is an element of forward motion as this Retrograde wraps up. The New Moon on May 30 provides fertile ground for you to plant seeds of intention related to your self-expansiveness. Get crystal clear about what you want, and lean into that abundance mindset. With support from Mars in Aries, the close relationships in your life will add fuel to your fire (in a good way), reminding you that you can achieve whatever it is you set your mind to. Come the Full Moon on June 14, you’re asked to look at the balance between what it is you know, and what it is you believe. With Full Moons, we’re given the opportunity to release and let go, and with this particular Full Moon, we have the support of Saturn to remind us of the strong foundation we’ve built beneath us. There is some challenge here, however, as sneaky Neptune can cause a game of smoke and mirrors. This is your reminder to use discernment and recognize that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. 


Woof, Scorpio, how is the come down from Taurus and Eclipse Season? I don’t know about you, but that was i n t e n s e! Luckily, there’s a bit of space before the next series of Eclipses during your season, so take some time to let out a nice exhalation. This Gemini Season highlights how you’re able (or unable) to accept help and resources from others. It’s important to remember that we don’t have to navigate the choppy waters of this life all on our own, and when you’re able to accept help from others, you’re better able to communicate your needs. As Mars blasts into Aries on May 24, you may find yourself feeling a little more “you”. With your ruler returning to it’s fiery home, Mars is able to add some fuel and passion to your life, particularly in regards to your daily habits, routines, and work. As Mars meets up with expansive Jupiter in Aries on May 29, one day before the New Moon, you get a supercharged energy that steeps into your day-to-day habits, as well as your physical well-being. You may find that you have more energy, particularly during this time, so invest your time into burning through that energy in a way that is both productive and positive. Be wary of burning the candle at both ends, and remember that sustainability is as important as ever. As the New Moon settles in on May 30, you’re given the opportunity to set crystal clear intentions related to the way in which you lean on others for support, as well as how you connect to the spiritual world. Pull some Tarot, study Astrology, and cleanse your crystals, friend! This is the first Gemini New Moon that isn’t an Eclipse since about 2019, so take advantage of the energy! As we begin to close out Gemini Season with a Full Moon on June 14, you’re asked to take a look at not only other people and their support, but also how you support yourself. This can be financially or not, but there is great opportunity for money themes to show up with this Full Moon. With support from structured Saturn, you’re invited into a space of self-assurance. However, sneaky Neptune comes in and presents some challenges– use discernement as you begin to let go and release what isn’t serving you during this Full Moon, and remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. 


Take an exhale, my dear Sag, because we finally have a Gemini Season where you’re not being Eclipsed! As the Sun lights up the area of your life concerned with relationships and partnerships, you’re feeling social. It’s time to connect and chat with the people in your life– I’m talkin’ patios! I’m talkin’ walks in the park! I’m talkin’ late night convos when you should really be getting some sleep! While Mercury is still Retrograde, the May 21 Cazimi brings clarity and insight to your relationships where there once may have been confusion. While Mercury will dip back into Taurus for a bit, things are full steam ahead come June 13 when Mercury zips back into Gemini. There’s a lot of energy coming your way this season as well, due to Mars’ spicy meet up with Jupiter on May 29. This link-up with your ruler, Jupiter, supercharges your energy, creative self-expression, and play. While this can be so fun, remember that it can be easy to burn through your energy reserves too quickly- sustainability is key here, even if it doesn’t feel natural. The following day, the New Moon in Gemini provides ample space for you to get crystal clear about what you want your relationships to look like. How can the partnerships – both platonic and intimate – best serve you and get your brain buzzing? With a friendly push from Mars, you’re able to put your passion to paper and start setting your intentions. With the Full Moon on June 14, there’s a spotlight on not only your relationships, but also yourself. Full Moons are a time for releasing and letting go, so this is your opportunity to actively wrap up any loose ends as you step into this next level of yourself. With support from Saturn, you’re reminded that you’ve built a solid foundation to stand upon, but some challenges may arise by way of sneaky, sneaky Neptune. Neptune brings opportunity for artistic dreamscapes, but also has an uncanny ability to make things look better than they seem. Use discernment and remember that if it feels too good to be true, it probably is. 


Dearest Capricorn, this Gemini Season brings your habits and routines, particularly as they relate to your physical well-being, into focus. As a Capricorn, you already have determination, drive, and discipline, but this Gemini Season provides you with the space to recognize where it may be time to make some changes. While Mercury is Retrograde in Gemini at the start of the Season, there is a level of clarity where there was once confusion due to the May 21 Cazimi. While Mercury will dip back into Taurus, wrapping up any loose ends related to creativity, play, and pleasure, you have the opportunity to perfect and make any final edits before moving full steam ahead. As Mercury jumps back into Gemini on June 13, you’ll likely find that you know the direction in which you’d like to tweak your habits and rituals, especially after the New Moon on May 30. This New Moon provides fertile ground for you to get crystal clear about the intentions and goals you’d like to set for yourself. Adaptability is key with your habits, so don’t be afraid to try new things and see what sits well with your soul. Come the Full Moon on June 14, there’s an emphasis on not only your physical vitality, but also your mental vitality. With a spotlight on your subconscious mind, this is a beautiful time for you to release and let go of any thought patterns that are holding you back. This is major dusting the cobwebs vibes, so don’t be afraid to to some mental deep cleaning. While this can be uncomfy, there’s space to feel lighter after all of that spring cleaning. Keep in mind, however, sneaky Neptune may present some challenges, particularly by means of communication and information, so pay attention to what comes up that seems a little too good to be true. Use discernment and trust your gut– take what you need, and leave the rest. 


Aquarius, this Gemini Season is a fun one, as there is light and energy funneling into your creativity and play. While you probably don’t need to be reminded, I’m here to let you know that it is okay to change, adapt, and lean into the wit and quirkiness of your self-expression. It’s fun, it’s playful, and most of all, it’s all you! While Mercury’s Retrograde journey may have you taking a step back to reevaluate the ways in which you have embraced play and pleasure, there’s a clarity that comes about on May 21 that can help inform how you want to lean into a new level of creativity. The New Moon on May 30 provides so much space for you to get crystal clear about what it is you’re looking to put your mind, creativity, and spirit towards. With a little helpful push from Mars, you’re reminded that if you can dream it, if you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can create it! Then, with the Full Moon on June 14, you’re asked to take a look at how your creative endeavors are supported (or unsupported) by your social networks and peer groups. While Full Moons are a time for releasing, this could be a wonderful opportunity for you to let go of past communities that may no longer serve the creative direction you’d like to go. You’ve got the structure and self-assurance from Saturn to keep you grounded during this lunation, so just be wary of any financial or value-related opportunities that seem a little too good to be true. Fool’s Gold isn’t gold, after-all, so use discernment and trust your gut as you step into this new era of expression. 


Sweet Pisces, this Gemini Season highlights your home, ancestry, and lineage. Ideally, in this space you feel comfortable, safe, and supported. Gemini brings about connection, adaptability, and a game of wits, so it’s time to curate your private home/space to stimulate you in those ways. While Mercury is Retrograde in Gemini at the top of the season, there’s a level of clarity that comes about on May 21 with the Mercury Cazimi. This purification within the heart of the Sun allows you to see what you were reconsidering more clearly. While Mercury is dipping back into Taurus on this Retrograde, they’ll jump back into Gemini full steam ahead on June 13. There’s also an energetic boost coming your way, as Mars meets up with your ruler, Jupiter, in Aries on May 29. This supercharge gives you the energy, opportunity, and drive to grip your hands on the wheel of your money situation/finances – but keep in mind that sustainability is all too important here. It can be easy to over-indulge and run through the energy reserves here, so just remember to take some breaks and keep track of that bank statement! The following day, on May 30, the New Moon gives you the opportunity to get crystal clear about the intentions you’d like to set in regards to your home. Maybe this looks like dreaming up a move, communicating with family and ancestors, or connecting to your heritage. Whatever it may be, take the time to write all your intentions down with clarity and assurance. Then, come the Full Moon on June 14, you’re asked to look at the dichotomy of your private life and your public life. While your home should feel like a stimulating sanctuary, you require adaptability and expansiveness in your career and professional life. Take this time to evaluate what it is you’d like to let go of so you can step into the next chapter of your career, and remember that you have a little help from structured Saturn to keep you grounded. Neptune plays a role in this Full Moon, however, creating blurred boundaries and hazy challenges, so be sure to use discernment; if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your intuition my friend, and let go of what no longer serves you. 

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