On June 20th at 11:32pm, the Sun shifts out of social, adaptable Gemini and dips its toes in the self-starting waters of Cancer. Cancer gets a reputation of being emotional (sometimes labeled as a “cry-baby”) but what we mustn't forget is that Cancer is a Cardinal sign, meaning it is the initiator at it’s very core. Cancer season signifies the start of summer, so here in the Northern Hemisphere the days get warmer and summer events like beach days, cookouts, and windows-down, late-night drives commence. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is nostalgic; if you ask me, summer just has this feeling. A feeling of freedom, connection, and change. Summer playlists, memories made, and the time in which we yearn for during the darker, winter months.
This Cancer Season also brings us a season of planetary shifts and stations! When a planet “stations” direct or retrograde, it appears to stand still in the sky. We can look at this as a time of pause or stagnation, but sometimes it allows us a moment to take a beat. On June 22nd, Mercury, the planet of communication, stations direct. This allows us the opportunity to get our last “do-over” of what came up in our lives over the last month or so; any loose ends are being wrapped up and we’re ready to start moving forward once again. Shortly after Mercury’s station, the Full Moon illuminates the dichotomy of hard work and self-care in our lives on June 24th at 2:38pm. Then, the next day, Neptune, the planet of illusion, stations retrograde. Anything that has been confusing, foggy, or uncertain in your life will have the opportunity to be revisited, reviewed, and reconsidered. Now, Neptune Retrogrades for a little over 5 months, so keep in mind this revision won’t happen overnight.
On July 9th, the New Moon invites us to set intentions, give ourselves permission to feel what we need to feel, and allows us to dream. The lovely thing about Cardinal energy is that if we don’t like it, we have the energy to change it. (AND this is the first Cancer New Moon that hasn’t been an Eclipse since 2018!) With support from Uranus, the planet of change, and Neptune, the planet of dreams, the term “if you can dream it, do it.” comes to mind. You won’t want to miss the energy of this New Moon, so get your ritual ready!
For more details on how this juicy Cancer Season will show up for you personally, read on! (hint: read for both your sun AND rising signs!)
This Cancer Season, your home, family, and roots have a spotlight on them, Aries, and it’s time to decide if your space is nurturing you or making you work too hard. Your home space is meant to be your retreat; a place of comfort, safety, and security. The Full Moon on June 24th highlights this dichotomy of work and home, allowing you to see both areas clearly. The question is: what is working? What isn’t? Don’t think too hard, my headfirst friend, as this is all about the feeling. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. If you’ve taken the time to look a little more inward, below the surface, the smoke and mirrors gets a bit clearer as Neptune stations retrograde on June 25th. What was once unclear gets another review, so keep your eyes, heart, and mind open to what may be revealed. At the end of June, Venus, the planet of love and relationships joins Mars, the planet of passion, in Leo. Your self-expression, playfulness, and creativity get LOUD. Say it with your chest, Aries! (As if you don’t already!) As Mars plays a game of cat-and-mouse with Venus, things get ~spicy~, and so does your sex life. Haaaaaaayyyyyy! Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’re called to set intentions related to your home space; what was revealed to you during June’s Full Moon has the opportunity to change, if you want it to. If you can dream it, you can change it, baby!
Money, money, money, baby! For you, Gemini, this Cancer Season shines a light on your money, values, and finances. And while money and finances are typically the first areas to pop up, this Cancer Season also asks you how you feel about your values-- both material and immaterial. The Full Moon on June 24th illuminates your resources vs. other people’s resources. Are you relying too much on others? Or too much on yourself? There is duality to you, Gemini, and this is a wonderful time to lean into that. We learn that it doesn’t have to be this or that, it can be this AND that. If you’ve been feeling foggy or confused, particularly around areas such as career or life-direction, Neptune’s retrograde on June 25th will provide you with the space to review anything that seemed a little too good to be true. As we’re given this second chance, the fog begins to dissipate and things become a little more clear. Neptune retrograde is long, though (unlike Mercury retrograde, which lasts about 3 weeks), lasting about 5 months, so keep in mind that the fog won’t fade overnight. At the end of June, Venus, the planet of love and relationships joins Mars, the planet of passion, in Leo. This is the time for you to say it with your whole chest; get out, be bold, say what you mean and mean what you say! Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’ll once again be asked to revisit your values. If what you learned from the beginning of the Cancer Season to the mid-point showed you that there were some values, assets, or financial situations that need to change, this is the time to dream it AND start to do it, my friend.
Haaaappppyyyy birrrrthday, dear Cancer, happy birthday to YOU! It is your season and your time to shine, my friend. The spotlight is on you this season and you may be feeling revitalized and renewed. This newfound energy propels you right into the Full Moon on June 24th, which highlights your sense of self and the relationships in your life. Full Moons are a time of cultivation, so (safely) round up your friends, connect, socialize, and remind them that it’s time to celebrate. With Cancer Season comes the start of Summer, and we are reminded how good it feels to get out, connect, change, and make some sweet, sweet memories. As Neptune stations retrograde on June 25th, you’re given the chance to review the areas in your life in which you find growth, expansion, and faith. You are given another chance to review, reflect, and reconsider what has shown up for you in this area of your life, so give yourself the space to dream. Perhaps this is a great time to revisit that dream vacation you’ve been thinking about! At the end of June, Venus, the planet of love and relationships joins Mars, the planet of passion, in Leo. Putting the pedal to the metal in the area of your life concerning finances and money, there may be opportunities for some income! Whether you work for it or it’s gifted to you, try not to blow it all in one place. Mars and Venus in this space can be hot and heavy, but the reminder here is sustainability-- we want the fire to burn all night. As the New Moon approaches on July 9th, you’ll once again be asked to take a look at you. With another year down, this is a lovely time to ask yourself “what is working for me and what is not?” Take the time to dream up the life you want-- it’s yours for the taking, Cancer! Cheers!
Where your body may be feeling energetic this Cancer Season, your mind gets brought into focus as the Sun lights up your subconscious mind and that which is beneath the surface. It doesn’t sound fun, I know, but a certain level of introspection is required before one can celebrate their birthday, right? (Say it with me: “right!”) The Full Moon on June 24th highlights the areas of your life connected to your body and mind. Oftentimes we find that when the mind isn’t right, the body won’t be either. This may be a wonderful time to release and let go of what is not working for you in mind, body, and spirit. With Mars already in your sign, you may have been feeling energized and passionate, or perhaps angry and agitated. Ideally, we want the more favorable characteristics of Mars, like the energy and the passion, but when Venus joins the Leo party on June 27th, the volume gets turned up. Venus and Mars play a hot and heavy game of cat-and-mouse before they officially join together in July, so this time can be hot hot hot. However, given that so much is happening below the surface, this could also be a great time for you to express what you’ve been suppressing in productive ways like art, fashion, a new hairstyle, working out, or being active. Come the New Moon on July 9th, you will be provided with the opportunity to set a new foundation for how you want your mind, body, spirit connection to flourish. This is a time of planting seeds of intention, Leo. What a way to wrap up your year!
This Cancer Season, your peer groups, friends, and social circles come into focus (and what great timing!) Cancer Season kicks off the summer and what better time to connect with others than at an outdoor event or restaurant patio? The Full Moon on June 24th highlights these peer groups and how you allow self-expression within these spaces. If you feel like it’s been all work and no play, my dear Virgo, it’s time to play! If it’s been all play and no work, perhaps it’s the time to hunker down and get things done. As a Virgo, it's rare that anything slips between your fingertips, but you can’t see it all, all the time. On June 25th, Neptune, the planet of illusion, stations retrograde. If you’ve been dealing with relationships (professional, personal, or intimate) that have felt confusing lately, this retrograde period will begin to clear things up for you. You may start to see the reality of your relationships with clearer vision, allowing you to reconsider or review how these relationships fit into your life. As Venus, the planet of love and relationships, joins passionate Mars in Leo, you may notice that the noise in your head gets a little loud. Grounding activities, such as meditation, might be good for you during this time as you simply have so much going on! Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’ll have the opportunity to establish a new foundation for how you’d like to fit into the peer groups and social circles in your life. If it’s not working for you, Virgo, it’s time to dream a new dream and change things up!
This Cancer Season is all about how you’re seen, Libra, in work and life. Illuminating the areas of your life focused on career and public persona, the spotlight is on you! Cancer season invites us to tap into the feeling, so if you’re not feeling good about how you’re perceived right now, you’ll have the power to change it. The Full Moon on June 24th brings to light to the dichotomy of work vs. home. If you’re working all the time, are you caring for yourself? If you’re only caring for yourself, are you getting anything done? It’s a delicate balance, Libra, one that requires some time and reflection to determine. As Neptune, the planet of illusion, stations retrograde on June 25th, you’ll have the opportunity to begin seeing your daily routines and habits in a new light. If you’ve fallen off the structured routine path and have been spiraling through dreamland, you may find yourself looking around and realizing it’s time to reestablish some structure. But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Give yourself the grace to ease into the habits and routines you’d like to create for yourself. As Venus, the planet of love and relationships, joins Mars, the planet of passion, in Leo, things get loud in your social circles and peer groups. You may find that more people want to get out, connect, and embrace the big, bold, zest for life that Leo brings. Come the New Moon, however, on July 9th, you’ll be called to establish new dreams or make changes based on the releasing and reflecting you did around the Full Moon. If you can dream it, Libra, you can do it!
Scorpio, are you ready to grow and expand this Cancer Season? This time period lights up the area of your life focused on opportunity, travel, expansion, and faith. The Full Moon on June 24th highlights the dichotomy of what you know to be true and what you hold faith in. While the Sun provides confidence in where you place your faith, the Moon asks you to feel out if what you believe holds true. The lesson of the Moon is that it’s okay to change, adapt, and fluctuate (and change/transformation is no stranger to you, Scorpio!) With this in mind, take this Full Moon as a time to release the beliefs which no longer serve you. As Neptune, the planet of illusion and dreams, stations retrograde on June 25th, you may find that any creative brain-fog and blockage you’ve been facing begins to dissipate. While it won’t go away overnight, you’ll have the opportunity to revisit this area of your life, perhaps rediscovering ways in which you can play and express yourself. Speaking of expressing yourself, Venus, the planet of love and relationships, joins passionate Mars in big, bold, expressive Leo towards the end of the month. You may find that situations related to your work or career begin to pick up, like someone has turned up the volume. The key here is sustaining your energy and not burning the candle at both ends. Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’ll once again be asked to take a look at your faith, beliefs, and areas in your life in which you find personal expansion. This is a lovely time to start planting seeds of intention; perhaps dreaming of a once-in-a-lifetime vacation or planning on embarking on a new area of study. Whichever the case, prepare to bloom, my friend!
This Cancer Season illuminates your relationship to transformation, Sagittarius. The last month or so has been cosmically fated, allowing you to shed the snakeskin that no longer serves you so you can expand to your bigger body. Reminder: it. is. o. kay. to. take. up. space. The Full Moon on June 24th highlights your values (both tangible and intangible) and your ability to transform those values while relying on the resources of others around you. You don’t have to do it all alone, my friend, but personal change and transformation can feel like a lonely journey. As Neptune, the planet of illusion and dreams, stations retrograde on June 25th, your home or family situation that has seemed uncertain or confusing will begin to shift into focus. While the fog won’t clear overnight, you’re given the opportunity to review or reconsider your current situation. If you’ve been dreaming of moving or making a change, this could also be a lovely time to make any revisions or reconsiderations to what that dream is. As Venus, the planet of love and relationships, joins passionate Mars in big, bold, expressive Leo, it's time to put energy and value in the areas of your life in which you find expansion and personal growth. Carve out the time to do the things that bring you pure joy and happiness; it is there you’ll find your heart and self expanding. Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’ll once again visit themes related to your personal transformation. This New Moon is a beautiful time for you to continue dreaming of the person you want to be and to establish the steps needed to make any changes. It might not be your season yet, Sagittarius, but this is a big one for you!
Do you feel the buzz, Capricorn? This Cancer Season is all about your relationships: personal, professional, and intimate! You’re invited to tap into the feeling of these relationships and to connect in ways that nurture your soul. The Full Moon on June 24th highlights this space of you and your relationships; the Sun shining light on the people in your life, while the Moon reflects how these people make you feel. As Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, stations retrograde on June 25th, any brain-fog or confusion that’s been swirling around begins to clear, offering you an opportunity to reflect upon the way in which you communicate and the things you’ve been learning. While the fog won’t necessarily clear overnight, you’re able to take this time to reconsider the ways in which you’ve been using your active mind and the way in which you engage (or disengage) with the local world around you. This time of reflection and reconsideration will only result in personal transformation, but don’t forget, it takes time for a butterfly to grow its wings. As Venus, the planet of love and relationships, joins passionate Mars in Leo, you’re given the ability to place energy and value into the way in which you’re changing and relying on the support of others. (Reminder: relying on others isn’t always a bad thing!) Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’ll once again have the opportunity to tap into the feeling of the relationships in your life; if you don’t like the direction they’re heading in, take this time to plant seeds of intention to grow the relationships that truly nurture your being.
This Cancer Season brings to light your daily habits, rituals, and work, my Aquarius friend. If your habits and rituals aren’t providing nurturement, care, and good feelings, it may be time to release that which no longer serves you. Come the Full Moon on June 24th, you’re asked to take a look at how your mind-body connection is working for or against you. If you’re finding that your mind isn’t feeling right, perhaps getting out and participating in mindful movement will help nurture the body. This doesn’t need to be anything strenuous, but rather something gentle-- think golden hour strolls, breathwork, light yoga, or other mindful movement that is accessible to you. The next day, Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, stations Retrograde; if your values or financial situations have felt foggy, confusing, or are quite simply disappearing, you’ll have the opportunity to revisit this area of your life and reconsider your relationship to it. Towards the end of June, Venus, the planet of love and relationships, joins passionate Mars in big, bold, Leo. Turning up the volume on your relationships, this time can be hot hot hot! As Venus and Mars play a fun game of cat-and-mouse, this is a fun time to spice up your love life (perhaps trying something new and a little out of your comfort zone!) At the end of the day, Aquarius, it’s all about expression and play, so have fun with it! Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’ll once again be given the opportunity to connect to your habits and rituals. After releasing what wasn’t working for you during the Full Moon, you now have fresh ground to plant seeds of intention related to how you want your mind, body, and habits to flourish.
This Cancer Season illuminates the way in which you play, express yourself, and find pleasure in this life, my dear Pisces. As a Pisces, tapping into your emotions and feelings isn’t a foreign concept, but this Cancer Season invites you to transcribe your emotions and feelings into creative endeavors. With the Full Moon on June 24th, your methods of expression shine brightly while your friends and peer groups reflect this light back to you. Just like the relationship of the Sun shining on the Moon, these social circles amplify just how brightly you shine when you tap into your most expressive self. As Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion, stations retrograde in your sign on June 25th, any sense of self that has felt “lost” begins to shift back into focus. With the opportunity for expansion, the fog or confusion regarding who you are and who you want to be begins to clear. Remember, the world needs people to show up exactly how they are; it’s what makes us beautifully unique. So tap into YOU, my friend. As Venus, the planet of love and relationships, joins passionate Mars in big, bold, Leo, you’re called to put value and energy back into your daily habits, routines, and physical body. If you’ve been feeling disconnected lately, this is a wonderful time to show up fully as you are and reconnect to all of the little tasks and habits that connect you to not only yourself, but the world around you. Come the New Moon on July 9th, you’ll once again be called to tap into your self-expression and pleasure. New Moons offer a lovely time of intention setting, so if you haven’t been already, this is a great time to begin manifesting the dream. And, if it’s not already in motion, a wonderful time to make the changes necessary to turn your dreams into reality.
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